Advantages Disadvantages Manual Payroll System
Uncategorized SAP Blogs Page 5. INFOCUBE INDEX1. INFOCUBE INTRODUCTION 2. INFOCUBE STRUCTURE3. INFOCUBE TYPES3. Basic Cube 2 Types. Standard Info. Cube. Transactional Info. Cube. 3. 2 Remote Cubes 3 Types. SAP Remote Cube. 3. General Remote Cube. Remote Cube With Services. Sample Employee Manual. DREAMING BIG GROW WITH US. Clinicmaster supports and stimulates your growth with functionalities and features designed specifically for clinics. We have invested in our internet and ebusiness capabilities and we are now in a position to drive key elements of our enterprise solutions and services through e. An official page of the 1st Tactical Studies Group Airborne. This site contains unclassified, nonsensitive information. This site features information for the. Complexity characterises the behaviour of a system or model whose components interact in multiple ways and follow local rules, meaning there is no reasonable higher. Benefits Enrollment for 2018 is Closed. Click an icon above to find more information for your benefits program. New Electronic Freeze Form Norman Programs. Advantages Disadvantages Manual Payroll System' title='Advantages Disadvantages Manual Payroll System' />INFOCUBE TABLES F,E,P,T,U,N5. INFOCUBE TOOLS5. PARTITIONING5. ADVANTAGES OF PARTITIONING 5. CLASSIFICATION OR TYPES OF PARTITIONING5. PHYSICAL PARTITIONINGTABLELOW LEVEL5. LOGICAL PARTITIONINGHIGH LEVEL PARTITIONING5. EXAMPLES ON PARTITIONING USING 0. CALMONTH 0. FISCYEAR5. ERRORS ON PARTITIONING5. REPARTITIONING5. 3. REPARTITIONING TYPES5. Repartitioning Limitations errors. EXAMPLES ON PARTITIONING USING 0. CALMONTH 0. FISCYEAR5. COMPRESSION OR COLLAPSE5. INDEXINDICES5. 6 RECONSTRUCTION5. ERRORS ON RECONSTRUCTION5. Key Points to remember while going for reconstruction. Why Errors Occur in Reconstruction STEPS FOR RECONSTRUCTION5. ROLLUP5. 9 LINE ITEM DIMENSIONDEGENERATE DIMENSION5. LINE ITEM DIMENSION ADVANTAGES5. LINE ITEM DIMENSION DISADVANTAGES5. Pc Fixer Full Version'>Pc Fixer Full Version. HIGH CARDINALITY6. INFOCUBE DESIGN ALTERNATIVES6. ALTERNATIVE I TIME DEPENDENT NAVIGATIONAL ATTRIBUTES6. ALTERNATIVE II DIMENSION CHARACTERISTICS6. ALTERNATIVE III TIME DEPENDENT ENTIRE HIERARCHIES6. OTHER ALTERNATIVES 6. COMPOUND ATTRIBUTE6. LINE ITEM DIMENSION7. FEW QUESTIONS ON INFOCUBES1. INFOCUBE INTRODUCTION The central objects upon which the reports and analyses in BW are based are called Info. Cubes we can seen as Info. Providers. an Info. Cube is a multidimensional data structure and a set of relational tables that contain Info. Objects. 2. INFOCUBE STRUCTUREStructure of Info. Cube is considered as ESS Extended Star SchemaSnow Flake Schema, that contains 1 Fact Table n Dimension Tables n Surrogate ID SID tables n Fact Tables n Master Data Tables. Fact Table with Key. Figuresn Dimension Tables with characteristicsn Surrogate ID SID tables link Master data tables Hierarchy Tablesn Master Data Tables are time dependent and can be shared by multiple Info. Cubes. Master data table contains Attributes that are used for presenting and navigating reports in SAPBW system. INFOCUBE TYPES Basic Cubes reside on same Data Base Remote Cubes Reside on remote system SAP remote cube resides on other R3 System uses SAPI General remote Cube resides on non SAP System uses BAPI Remote Cube wit Services reside on non SAP system. BASIC CUBE 2 TYPES These are physically available in the same BW system in which they are specified or their meta data exist. STANDARD INFOCUBE FREQUENTLY USEDStandard Info. Cube are common are optimized for Read Access, have update rules, that enable transformation of Source Data loads can be scheduled. TRANSACTIONAL INFOCUBE The transactional Info. Cubes are not frequently used and used only by certain applications such as SEM APO. Data are written directly into such cubes bypassing Update. Rules. 3. 2. REMOTE CUBES 3 TYPES Remote cubes reside on a remote system. Remote Cubes gather metadata from other BW systems, that are considered as Virtual Cubes. These are the remote cube types 3. Chess Pgn File Format. SAP REMOTE CUBE the cube resides on non SAP R3 system communication is via the service APISAPI3. GENERAL REMOTE CUBE Cube resides on non SAP R3 Source System communication is via BAPI. REMOTE CUBE WITH SERVICES Cube resides on any remote system i. SAP or non SAP is available via user defined function module. INFOCUBE TABLES F,E,P,T,U,NTransaction Code LISTSCHEMA LISTSCHEMA enter name of the Info. Source OSDC0. 3 Execute. Upon execution the primary Fact table is displayed as an unexpanded node. Expand the node and see the screen. These are the tables we can see under expanded node 5. INFOCUBE UTILITIES 5. PARTITIONINGPartitioning is the method of dividing a table into multiple, smaller, independent or related segmentseither column wise or row wise based on the fields available which would enable a quick reference for the intended values of fields in the table. For Partitioning a data set, at least among 2 partitioning criteria 0. CALMONTH 0. FISCPER must be there. ADVANTAGES OF PARTITIONING Partitioning allows you to perform parallel data reads of multiple partitions speeding up the query execution process. By partitioning an Info. Cube, the reporting performance is enhanced because it is easier to search in smaller tables, so maintenance becomes much easier. Old data can be quickly removed by dropping a partition. Info. Cube maintenance extras partitioning. CLASSIFICATION OR TYPES OF PARTITIONING5. PHYSICAL PARTITIONINGTABLELOW LEVELPhysical Partitioning also called tablelow level partitioning is restricted to Time Characteristics and is done at Data Base Level, only if the underlying database allows it. Ex Oracle, Informix, IBM, DB23. Here is a common way of partitioning is to create ranges. Info. Cube can be partitioned on a time slice like Time Characteristics as below. FISCALYEAR 0. FISCYEAR FISCAL YEAR VARIANT 0. FISCVARNT FISCALYEARPERIOD0. FISCPERIOD POSTING PERIODOFISCPER3By this physical partitioning old data can be quickly removed by dropping a partition. No partitioning in B. I 7. 0, except DB2 as it supports5. LOGICAL PARTITIONINGHIGH LEVEL PARTITIONINGLogical partitioning is done at Multi. Cubesseveral Info. Cubes joined into a Multi. Cube or Multi. Provider level i. Data. Target level. Multi. Cube. Here Time Characteristics only is not a restriction, also you can make position on Plan Actual data, Regions, Business Area etc. Advantages As per the concept, Multi. Cube uses parallel sub queries, achieving query performance ultimately. Logical partitioning do not consume any additional data base space. When a sub query hits a constituent Info. Provider, a reduced set of data is loaded into smaller Info. Cube from large Info. Cube target, even in absence of Multi. Provider. 5. 3. 3. EXAMPLES ON PARTITIONING USING 0. CALMONTH 0. FISCYEARTHERE ARE TWO PARTITIONING CRITERIA calendar month 0. CALMONTHfiscal yearperiod 0. FISCPERAt an instance we can partition a dataset using only one type among the above two criteria In order to make partition, at least one of the two Info. Objects must be contained in the Info. Cube. If you want to partition an Info. Cube using the fiscal yearperiod 0. FISCPER characteristic, you have to set the fiscal year variant characteristic to constant. After activating Info. Cube, fact table is created on the database with one of the number of partitions corresponding to the value range. You can set the valuerange yourself. Partitioning Info. Cubes using Characteristic 0. CALMONTH Choose the partitioning criterion 0. CALMONTH and givethe value range as. From0. 1. 1. 99. So how many partitions are created after partitioning You can also determine how many partitions are created as a maximum on the database for the fact table of the Info. Cube. You choose 3. Resulting from the value range 6 years 1. The system groups three months at a time together in a partition. Quarters Partitions 1 Year. So, 6 years 4 partitionsyear 2 marginal partitions 2. The performance gain is only gained for the partitioned Info. Cube if the time dimension of the Info. Cube is consistent. This means that all values of the 0. CALcharacteristics of a data record in the time dimension must fit each other with a partitioning via 0. CALMONTH. Note You can only change the value range when the Info. Home OU Human Resources. Thanksgiving Break 2. November 2. 3, 2. Winter Break 2. 01. December 2. 2, 2. January 1, 2. 01. Thursday, December 2. Friday, December 2. Eligible employees must use compensatory time or paid leave if available, or take leave without pay. Read more about Holidays for a full description of closure and eligibility.